ABATE Special Statement on Spring Rally


Hi all,
I am sending this email out to everyone in my address book. I realize that only some of you are bikers. I am hoping that you may know someone that is or maybe someone in your address book may know someone who is. PLEASE FORWARD THIS TO EVERYONE IN YOUR ADDRESS BOOK PLEASE.
Myrtle beach has launched a new website to deter people from coming to the grand strand during the bike rally in may. The website is  mbbikerinfo.com  . DO NOT BELIEVE ANYTHING YOU READ ON THIS SITE. MOST OF THE INFO IS FALSE. THERE WILL BE A SPRING RALLY IN MAY 2009 HERE ON THE GRAND STRAND. There will be no activities sponsored by myrtle beach in the city limits. The city limits never had a lot of sponsored activities going on. The majority of bike week events take place out side the city. There will be plenty of activities going on within Horry county as normal. Nothing has changed. THE SPRING RALLY WILL BE MAY 8th - 17th 2009. If you want current and up to date and correct info on the rally,  please check out one of the following sites.
www.myrtlebeachharley.com                 www.mbbikeweeks.com           www.ibiker.org
These sites will provide you with truthful information about the rally.  You will also find truthful information about the new myrtle beach city ordinances that only come in to effect within the city limits of myrtle beach. Don’t worry, there are plenty of ways around the city limits to get to wear you need to go. You should also be able to find hotel and condo rental info on these sites that are out side of the city.   www.cherylchristopher.com  is a site for surfside reality.
AGAIN, PLEASE SEND THIS OUT TO EVERYONE IN YOUR ADDRESS BOOK. This email needs to get out all over this country, Canada, and the world. You would be surprised, but I have met people from many different countries here on the grand strand during bike week.
Live long and prosper and remember to always speak your mind.
Gary Balcom  Assistant Coordinator Horry County ABATE